Buckbeak is an Easter Egger who hatched in June of 2020. I know that much for sure. Easter Eggers are sort of the mutts of the chicken world, but they’re known for laying unusal colored eggs. Buckbeak was two weeks old when we bought her as a pullet from the local feedmill.

In September of last year, someone in an online chicken group pointed out to me that Buckbeak was a cockerel. We hadn’t heard any crowing, but we saw pointy saddle feathers which are usually the trademark of a rooster. I suddenly noticed he had spur nubs as well. We made our peace with the fact we had a rooster, and that we wouldn’t be seeing any blue or green eggs.

More time passed, and Buckbeak still never crowed. Then, on New Year’s Eve 2020, my daughter discovered a blue egg in the Slytherin nesting box. All our other chickens are brown egg layers, and coop cam footage the following day confirmed the news I still can’t believe: Buckbeak is a HEN (or a mosaic gynandromorph)!